Chances of defective child births ... 7
Chances of defective child births ... 7
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Chances of defective child births ... 7
Posted in 2014
Brought to U.... and
My memories
Chances of defective child births ... 7
Posted in 2014
Disorders During Pregnancy
During pregnancy, a problem may occur or a disorder may develop to make the pregnancy high risk.
Some disorders are related to (are complications of) pregnancy. Other disorders are not directly related to pregnancy . Certain disorders are more likely to occur during pregnancy because of the many changes pregnancy causes in a woman's body.
Pregnancy complications are problems that occur only during pregnancy. They may affect the woman, the fetus, or both and may occur at different times during the pregnancy. For example, complications such as a mislocated placenta or premature detachment of the placenta from the uterus can cause bleeding from the vagina during pregnancy. Women who have heavy bleeding are at risk of losing the baby or of going into shock and, if not promptly treated, of dying during labor and delivery.
Exposures During Pregnancy
1.... The couple must maintain good health before conceiving.
2... Due to over tensions or other during pregnancy hypertension may be developed which causes birth defects
3.... Preterm labor also cause of defective births
4... Anemia before conceiving also cause of defective births
5... Gestational diabetes developed during pregnancy if not controlled may cause defective births
6.... Woman age above 35 years also cause of defective child births
7... I advise every couple to maintain positive relations, happy and follow healthy habits.
8... Before conceiving every woman should maintain ideal weight other wise their child will be defective i.e. overweight or low weight
9... When a woman is less than 4 feet it may cause birth defects
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