Trying to Conceive .. 4

Trying to Conceive .. 4

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Trying to Conceive .. 4
Posted in 2017

7. Cut back on strenuous workouts

Being physically active most days of the week can help a woman's body prepare for the demands of pregnancy and labor. But getting too much exercise or doing frequent strenuous workouts could interfere with ovulation
Doctors see a lot of menstrual disturbances in women who exercise heavily, and a lot of times these women need to cut back on their workouts if they want to become pregnant, Pavone told Live Science. 
As women get older their fertility decreases because of age-related changes in the ovaries that cause a decline in the quantity and quality of her eggs. With advancing age, there's also an increased risk for some health problems, such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis and blockage of the fallopian tubes, which can contribute to a loss of fertility. 
There's a gradual fertility decline in women beginning in their 30s, a sharper decline after age 37 and a steep decline after age 40, Pavone said. These declines mean it may take longer to become pregnant. 

9. Kick the smoking and drinking habits

Smoking can lead to fertility problems in both women and men. Chemicals found in cigarette smoke, such as nicotine and carbon monoxide, speed up the loss rate of a woman's eggs, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. 
Smoking ages a woman's ovaries and depletes her supply of eggs prematurely, according to the Mayo Clinic. 
It's also a good idea for women to stay away from secondhand smoke, which may affect their chances of becoming pregnant. Marijuana and other recreational drug use should also be avoided while trying to conceive.
It's safest for a woman to avoid alcohol when she is hoping to become pregnant. A woman should also stop consuming alcohol if she stops using birth control because she wants to get pregnant. 
However, a 2017 study found that about half of pregnant women in the United States drink alcohol around the time they become pregnant or in early pregnancy, usually before they know they are expecting. 
Drinking alcohol at moderate (one to two drinks per day) or heavy levels (more than two drinks per day) can make it difficult for a woman to get pregnant, according to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. 
Once a woman becomes pregnant, there's no safe amount of alcohol, Pavone said.
My advise..  1. Quit the smoking and alcohol habits  2..Be happy with your life partner  3.. Avoid all kinds of tensions  4.. Follow healthy habits  5..Don't postpone to conceive
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