Nutrients needed in your breast milk

Nutrients needed in your breast milk

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Nutrients needed in your breast milk
Posted in 2012

Deficiency of Nutrients decreases Brain & body functioning of your Child
Many pregnant and breast-feeding women are deficient in iodine and should take a daily supplement containing iodide, according to a leading group of pediatricians.
Iodine, generally obtained from iodized salt, produces thyroid hormone, an essential component for normal brain development in the developing baby.
But as consumption of processed foods has increased, so has iodine deficiency because the salt in processed foods is not iodized, according to a policy statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics
Currently, only about 15 percent of pregnant and breast-feeding women take supplements containing iodide, the researchers said. Supplemental iodine is usually in the form of potassium iodide or sodium iodide, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Severe iodine deficiency is associated with stunted physical and mental growth, and even marginal iodine deficiency can decrease brain functioning, the report said.
Pregnant and breast-feeding women should take a supplement that includes at least 150 micrograms of iodide, and use iodized table salt, the academy said. Combined intake from food and supplements should be 290 to 1,100 micrograms a day. Potassium iodide is the preferred form, the doctors said.
Besides boosting brain development, iodine also appears to help protect babies from certain environmental harms. You will get required Iodine in Your Healthy food and Save your child from Brain and Thyroid Problems.
Not only Iodine, Zinc, Iron etc..needed to the Baby to develop all parts and Functioning. In my future articles I will give U the required data according to the age of the child. All Body development and Brain functioning the amount of nutrients required increases daily. The mother should take care of her health and baby health 

My advise
1.....   Vitamins are essential for  your baby's growth and development. If you're a healthy mom who eats a well-balanced diet and takes a prenatal vitamin, your breast milk contains most, if not all the vitamins that your healthy full-term baby needs.
2....    Experts still recommend a few supplements. But, for the most part, your breast milk has enough custom-made nutrition full of all the nutrients, including vitamins, to support your child as he grows. Here are the main vitamins found in breast milk.
3......  Vitamin A is necessary for healthy vision. Your breast milk contains enough vitamin A for your child. Colostrum, the breast milk that your body produces during the first few days of breastfeeding, has twice as much Vitamin A as transitional or mature breast milk. These higher levels of vitamin A, especially beta-carotene, is what gives colostrum it's yellow-orange color. 
4.....   Vitamin D helps to build strong bones and teeth. There is vitamin D in breast milk, but the levels vary from woman to woman depending on how much Vitamin D she gets. You can get some vitamin D from your diet, but since you get most of your Vitamin D from the sun, your skin tone and where you live play a significant role in the amount of sun exposure and Vitamin D that you'll get. Because of these factors along with the protective measures that women often take against sun exposure, many mothers do not have enough Vitamin D in their breast milk.
5......  When babies do not get enough Vitamin D, they can develop a disease called rickets. Rickets causes soft bones that can break, bow legs, and other bone problems. Due to the risk of rickets in exclusively breastfed babies whose mothers are deficient in vitamin D, doctors recommend that all breastfed infants receive a vitamin D supplement of 400 IU a day starting right after birth.
6.....   Vitamin E protects the cell membranes in the eyes and the lungs. There is more than enough vitamin E in breast milk to fulfill the recommended daily requirements.
7....    Vitamin K is involved in the production of blood clotting factors that help to stop bleeding. It's given to all infants when they're born. After a dose of vitamin K is given at birth, healthy breastfed babies and their mothers do not need any additional vitamin K supplementation.
8....     Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a strong antioxidant. It helps to heal the body, support the immune system, and aid in the body's absorption of iron. Vitamin C also prevents a rare disease called scurvy.
9........ Breast milk contains plenty of vitamin C. You do not need to take extra vitamin C supplements, and you do not have to supplement your breastfed baby with vitamin C. Even if you don't take any additional vitamin C, your breast milk will still have two times more than the recommended amount for formula.
10...    I suggest every woman before conceiving should take healthy food which contain all needed nutrients and should continue upto 6 months after delivery.

Brought to U ......


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