Iron boost your fertility

Iron boost your fertility

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Iron boost your fertility
Posted in 2011

You’re smart to be thinking about pumping up your iron levels while trying to conceive. As you’ve heard, there does seem to be a link between iron and fertility. In one study, researchers found that women who took iron supplements had a significantly lower risk of ovulatory infertility (an inability to produce healthy baby-making eggs) than those who didn't supplement.
But before you rush out to buy iron supplements, here is what you need to know:
Not all women need supplements (but they do need iron).Experts say more research is needed before they’d recommend iron supplements to all women as a fertility booster. But even if iron isn’t recommended as a fertility booster for you specifically, you’ll still want to beef up your iron stores the natural way before you get pregnant. Iron is one of the minerals that your future baby-to-be will siphon from you — and too little iron at the start of pregnancy can put you at risk for anemia during pregnancy and afterward (when you need all the energy you can get to take care of your baby).
Eat iron-rich foods. Every day, pregnant women need to aim for about 27 mg of iron. The most easily absorbed iron — called heme iron — is found in animal sources, such as meat, poultry and fish. The other form of iron — called non-heme iron — comes from plant sources. However because of its chemical structure, it's more difficult for the intestines to absorb. But don’t disregard non-heme iron — it’s still worth your while. In fact, heme iron helps improve the absorption of non-heme iron, so eating food sources of both forms of iron at the same time is ideal
The easiest way to get as much bang for your nutrition buck when eating iron-rich foods? Pair them with vitamin-C-rich foods — which boosts iron absorption. So go ahead and top that burger with a tomato slice or two, sprinkle strawberries in your oatmeal, and follow that PB&J sandwich with an OJ chaser.
Need some more ideas? Here are some foods rich in iron and vitamin C:
My advise
1....   Iron deficiency may be linked to infertility, suggests a new study in the Obstetrics & Gynecology journal by researchers from Harvard University. The study focused on more than 18,500 female nurses who were trying to get pregnant.
2... The women answered detailed questionnaires about their health, including diet and other aspects of their lifestyle. Doctors found that women who reported taking iron supplements were 40 percent less likely to have infertility problems due to ovarian failure.
3... Given these findings, the obvious assumption is that taking iron supplements would help prevent infertility or perhaps even improve fertility in women who are currently struggling to get pregnant.
4.... The new research is based on the long-running Nurses' Health Study, a large study of female nurses in which they respond to a survey every two years whose questions touch on breast cancer, pregnancy, the number of Tylenol they take, how much soda they drink, and more.
5.... The survey allows scientists to examine the relationship between different health and lifestyle factors, such as whether drinking coffee is linked to diabetes (it isn't, says the study) or whether iron pills help ward off infertility.
6...   I advise every woman who is trying to conceive should leave unhealthy habits like taking too much Tea or Coffee or soft drinks etc..
7...  Follow healthy habits to conceive.

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