Your food is the main Cause for Thyroid during Pregnancy

Unhealthy food is the main Cause for Thyroid during Pregnancy

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Unhealthy food is the main Cause for Thyroid during Pregnancy
Posted on 13th April 2015
Thyroid during Pregnancy
HORMONE CHANGES. A normal pregnancy results in a number of important physiological and hormonal changes that alter thyroid function. These changes mean that laboratory tests of thyroid function must be interpreted with caution during pregnancy. Thyroid function tests change during pregnancy due to the influence of two main hormones: human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the hormone that is measured in the pregnancy test and estrogen, the main female hormone. HCG can weakly turn on the thyroid and the high circulating hCG levels in the first trimester may result in a slightly low TSH (called subclinical hyperthyroidism). When this occurs, the TSH will be slightly decreased in the first trimester and then return to normal throughout the duration of pregnancy . Estrogen increases the amount of thyroid hormone binding proteins in the serum which increases the total thyroid hormone levels in the blood since >99% of the thyroid hormones in the blood are bound to these proteins. However, measurements of “Free” hormone (that not bound to protein, representing the active form of the hormone) usually remain normal. The thyroid is functioning normally if the TSH, Free T4 and Free T3 are all normal throughout pregnancy.
SIZE CHANGES. The thyroid gland can increase in size during pregnancy (enlarged thyroid = goiter). However, pregnancy-associated goiters occur much more frequently in iodine-deficient areas of the world. It is relatively uncommon in the United States, which is thought to be relatively iodine-sufficient. If very sensitive imaging techniques (ultrasound) are used, it is possible to detect an increase in thyroid volume in some women. This is usually only a 10-15% increase in size and is not typically apparent on physical examination by the physician. However, sometimes a significant goiter may develop and prompt the doctor to measure tests of thyroid function.
I advice every woman not to eat spicy, oily foods in Pregnancy.
You should take care of your food which may cause damage to your Thyroid Gland. So Avoid such food and follow Healthy food to protect your self and give birth to Healthy child. 
My advise
1.....  Hypothyroidism can be a tricky condition to manage, and what you eat can interfere with your treatment. Some nutrients heavily influence the function of the thyroid gland, and certain foods can inhibit your body's ability to absorb the replacement hormones you may take as part of your thyroid treatment..
2...  Having a thyroid condition is no picnic, but you're not alone with this health issue. According to the American Thyroid Association, more than 12 percent of the population may end up dealing with a thyroid condition at some point in their lives. And thyroid issues can be sneaky: Of the nearly 20 million Americans living with the disease, as many as 60 percent don't even realize they have it.
3...  As with many health conditions, some factors are out of your control, including your family history and the environment around you. But diet also plays a prominent role — and since you're the one in charge of your plate, you can decide which thyroid-friendly foods to choose. 
4...  Some items on this list may strike you as odd, like fiber and coffee, because for many other diets they're considered 'healthy' or ‘safe’ picks. You can still enjoy these foods groups, but moderating your intake is a good idea when managing hypothyroidism.
5...  But many of the others to watch out for already fall into the no-no category as part of a smart diet, so skipping them, or at least cutting way back, is definitely a no-brainer. These include fried fast-food meals, salty processed foods, sugary treats, such as pastry, cake, cookies, and ice cream, and excessive alcohol.
6...  So avoid the food causes Thyroid and follow healthy food to have safe pregnancy and healthy child.
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