We need energy to do any work ...9

We need energy to do any work ...9

My memories
We need energy to do any work ...9
Posted in 2013

Please tell me answer to it..Some one will tell we are hungry..some will tell we cannot do work due to hungry.........................
I will tell U what you need to run your two/four wheeler ie. Fuel
ie Petrol or Diesel oil...If you have two or more vehicles. You filled fuel in all and use one daily. Some vehicle will give U more mileage some vehicle give U less mileage. If you wants to go far distance on your vehicles daily. By using one vehicle you have fill 2 times while another you have fill 3 times....but the distance is same. Please tell me Why you need to fill different times. Because depend upon the engine capacity one need to fill according to the work. Similarly every one needs food according to his body activities. You are spending
energy for work you are doing ex:::seeing, working according to your profession, sitting etc...your heart function, breathing your body cleaning, removing unwanted items from your body with your stool, urine ..your body works 24 hours non stop. It also needs energy..
Now we will discuss in details daily. Our fuel is healthy food.
We will get energy with our food. What ever you eat ::food grains, such as rice, wheat etc...fruits,,,banana, apples etc..oils... gives you some energy
Do you know that more than 60% Infertility problems, health problems are only due to Unhealthy food. God created us to enjoy the life for 100 years without any health problem and give birth to Healthy child.
The main cause of Defective births, miscarriages etc..only unhealthy food. Read my blogs on Nutrition Values, Mineral Values, Required Nutrition and Fertility to avoid such births.
Let us start discuss topic one by one.
8...If U wants to conceive...4
Watch your weight
Unhealthy food intake—whether too much or too little—has been recognized as a contributing factor to infertility for many years.
Too little or too much weight can make your reproductive cycle irregular. That causes you to ovulate only now and then, or not at all.
"Your ovaries and your fat cells regulate estrogen, which affects ovulation. If you're too thin, you may not be producing enough estrogen, and if you're overweight or obese, you may be producing too much," says Maria Biasucci-Vianna, MS, RD, CDN, a New Rochelle, NY, dietitian who has counseled women with infertility problems in her private practice.
The first order of business, Biasucci-Vianna says, is to achieve and maintain a healthy weight to keep your reproductive cycle in balance. She advises the women she sees to check their BMI (body mass index) score. A BMI ranking of 19-24 indicates a healthy weight (athletes may have higher scores due to muscle mass). Anything below or above that range should be discussed with your health care provider.
I told U many times to maintain healthy weight...Obesity may give more problems to conceive and also risk to mother & child. Try to reduce your weight if exceeds.

8...If U wants to conceive...6
What does your OB-GYN want you to know before getting pregnant?
Because no one knows for sure how caffeine impacts fertility, some experts suggest lowering your caffeine intake even more or giving it up entirely, especially if you're having difficulty conceiving or if you're undergoing in vitro fertilization.
Once you're pregnant, experts recommend getting no more than 200 milligrams of caffeine a day (a little less than a 12-ounce cup of coffee) because higher amounts have been linked to an increased risk of miscarriage.
According to my experience the couple should not take coffee more than 100 ml per day.. It is the safest to have healthy pregnancy and healthy child.
From the beginning I am telling U to follow healthy habits to be healthy. Your healthy habits only protect U and be careful about your food. 

The cost of  healthy food is always cheaper than junk food or other and   is beneficial to your body. When any food gives U more calories which is excess to your body will cause U obesity. Obesity is the causes many health problems like heart attack, infertility ..............Beware of obesity risk.
Follow Healthy food habits to protect your self
Brought to U......http://successgain.us


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