Alcohol effects on Female Fertility ... 3

Alcohol effects on Female Fertility ... 3

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My memories
Alcohol effects on Female Fertility ... 3
Posted in 2016

Female Fertility
However, alcohol doesn’t cause problems only after you’re pregnant. It can make women less fertile too. “There is a link between drinking and fertility, although exactly how alcohol makes women less fertile isn’t understood clearly,” says Dr Anthony Rutherford, a consultant in reproductive medicine and Chair of the British Fertility Society. “Many studies have shown that even drinking lightly can have an effect.” These include a study that showed drinking between one and five drinks a week can reduce a women’s chances of conceiving, and 10 drinks or more decreases the likelihood of conception even further

My advise
1...  Alcohol effects on health which are serious. 
Some of 1. Liver Problem 2. Pancreatitis 3..Cancer   4..  Ulcers & Gastrointestinal Problems   5... Immune system  dysfunction   6...Brain Damage        7.... Malnourishment and vitamin deficiency  8.. Osteoporosis  9..  Heart problems and Cardiovascular problems   and   10... Accidents and injuries
2...  The child born to alcoholic parents may be
 Liver problem  or nervous problem or heart problem or brain disorders or ulcers by birth or weak bones etc...
3...  So I advise every couples to leave this habit(if any) and follow healthy habits to have healthy child.

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