Alcohol effects on Female Fertility ... 1

Alcohol effects on Female Fertility ... 1

Brought to U....    and

My memories
Alcohol effects on Female Fertility ... 1
Posted in 2016

Heavy drinking can definitely affect fertility, increasing the length of time it takes to get pregnant and reducing the chances of having a healthy baby.
The National Health and Medical Research Council guidelines also say that:
  • For healthy women, drinking no more than two standard drinks on any day reduces the lifetime risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury.
  • Heavy drinking before pregnancy is also known to affect a women’s health. Women who consume large amounts of alcohol (seven or more drinks a week or more than three drinks on one occasion) are more likely to have heavy or irregular periods and take longer to get pregnant.
  • For women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, not drinking is the safest option. For women who are breastfeeding, not drinking is the safest option.

My advise
1...  Alcohol effects on health which are serious. 
Some of 1. Liver Problem 2. Pancreatitis 3..Cancer   4..  Ulcers & Gastrointestinal Problems   5... Immune system  dysfunction   6...Brain Damage        7.... Malnourishment and vitamin deficiency  8.. Osteoporosis  9..  Heart problems and Cardiovascular problems   and   10... Accidents and injuries
2...  The child born to alcoholic parents may be
 Liver problem  or nervous problem or heart problem or brain disorders or ulcers by birth or weak bones etc...
3...  So I advise every couples to leave this habit(if any) and follow healthy habits to have healthy child.

Brought to U ...


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