General Infertility causes

General Infertility causes

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General Infertility causes
Posted in 2014
General Infertility 
I have seen most of the couple wants to enjoy the life without children but your age and health factors plays for Healthy and Brilliant children. I advise every couple not to prolong for children. It give u problems to conceive afterwards. You can see how your infertility causes.
Data for Infertility couples in US
Number of women ages 15-44 with impaired fecundity (impaired ability to get pregnant or carry a baby to term): 6.7 million
Percent of women ages 15-44 with impaired fecundity: 10.9%
Number of married women ages 15-44 that are infertile (unable to get pregnant after at least 12 consecutive months of unprotected sex with husband): 1.5 million
Percent of married women ages 15-44 that are infertile: 6.0%
Number of women ages 15-44 who have ever used infertility services: 7.4 million
Source: Key Statistics from the National Survey of Family Growth (data are for 2006-2010)
Generally infertility is causes are due to unhealthy life style and unhealthy food habits... Just follow Healthy habits and see how your body changes.
My advise
1... The above are general causes of Infertility
2... You should fill needed nutrients in your bodies before conceive.
3... And follow healthy food till delivery so that your child will receive every nutrient to develop his body... Then your child will be Healthy and Brilliant
Brought to U....


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