The Science behind Natural Fertility diet

The Science behind Natural Fertility diet

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The Science behind Natural Fertility diet
Posted on 21st March 2015
The Natural Fertility Diet suggestions are an accumulation of scientific research, nutritional data, and dietary practices of the most fertile tribes and peoples in history, as well as dietary practices which are known to reduce complications during pregnancy.
Harvard Research
Harvard performed a recent study that showed an 80% decrease in infertility with lifestyle changes made by switching to a fertility diet. Women who followed a combination of five or more lifestyle factors, including changing specific aspects of their diets, experienced more than 80 percent less relative risk of infertility due to ovulatory disorders compared to women who engaged in none of the factors, according to a paper published in Obstetrics & Gynecology.
The women with the highest fertility diet scores ate less trans fats and sugar from carbohydrates, consumed more protein from vegetables than from animals, ate more fiber and iron, took more multivitamins, had a lower body mass index (BMI), exercised for longer periods of time each day, and, surprisingly, consumed more high-fat dairy products and less low-fat dairy products. The relationship between a higher “fertility diet” score and lesser risk for infertility was similar for different subgroups of women, regardless of age and whether or not they had been pregnant in the past.
Dr. Weston Price and Dr. Brewer
The Natural Fertility Diet has also incorporated the research of Dr. Weston Price and Dr. Brewer. Dr. Weston Price’s recommendations are based on traditional diets that were followed in times when humans were most fertile, before industrial foods.
Dr. Brewer’s Diet has been shown to reduce the risks of pregnancy complications, specifically preeclampsia. It promotes a diet that has an abundance of protein, minerals, calcium, and healthy oils.
My advise
1...  Eating a fertility diet in preparation for pregnancy and to boost fertility is one of the most powerful health changes you can make. Numerous studies have shown that specific changes to the diet can improve fertility, prevent recurrent miscarriage, and support a healthy pregnancy.
2...  Although we generally recommend beginning your journey to a healthy pregnancy with a fertility cleanse to remove excess toxins from a poor diet, nutrition plays a vital role when it comes to having a healthy body and reproductive system. The building blocks for hormones are found in the foods we eat. Antioxidants, which help to protect the egg and sperm from free radicals, are found in the foods that we eat. Just as nutrients in food can be helpful for fertility, there are some foods and chemicals added to foods that can be harmful for your health and fertility.
3...  In working with our natural fertility clients, the first topic of discussion, regardless of the reason they are consulting with us, is “what is your diet like?”. Many of their responses are… “healthy” and then they go on to share their version of that. More often than not, it is not a diet that is healthy for fertility.
4...  So, what exactly is a fertility diet? A Natural Fertility Diet is a way of eating that is supporting your body in its reproductive efforts. It includes foods which are dense in specific nutrients needed for hormonal function, production and balance, fetal development, egg health, sperm health, blood health, and much more. It is a diet that is designed to help your body to balance fertility issues that may exist, build up nutrient stores and provide all of the building blocks for a healthy child. It is also a diet that is focused on giving you and your future child the best start in life.
5......Your fertility diet is very cheap when compared to medicines.    It will not give side effects or reactions.    Your fertility is developed with in short period and avoid miscarriage, defective births, delivery complications etc...
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