Know your child activities before birth...2

Know your child activities before birth...2

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Know your child activities before birth...2
Posted in 2012

"This is a well-respected group and the effects are really convincing," says Patricia Kuhl, a neuroscientist at the University of Washington in Seattle. Combined with previous work, she says, these results suggest "that language learning begins in the womb."
Developmental psychologist Christine Moon, of Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington, agrees. "I think it is a very good paper with important results," she says, and it points the way to future studies that could break down the learning process in even more detail.
Just because babies can learn while in utero doesn't mean that playing music or language recordings will help the child. Partanen says there is no solid evidence that stimulation beyond normal sounds of everyday life offers any long-term benefits to healthy babies. Moon adds that playing sounds to a fetus with speakers close to the belly could even be risky because this could overstimulate the fetal ear and the rapidly developing brain. Too much noise can interfere with the auditory system and may disrupt the baby's sleep cycles.
Rather than playing recordings for healthy babies, Partanen sees potential treatments for children at risk for dyslexia or auditory processing disorders, if hearing certain sounds in pregnancy turns out to speed up language learning—"but that's a big if." His team's study looked only at babies less than a month old, and it's not clear whether the babies will retain the memories as they get older, or whether in utero learning has an effect on language learning or ability later in life
My advise
!....Dr Thomas Verny’s book, The Secret Life Of The Unborn Child (1981), describes the evolution of fetal activity in the womb.
a...“What he [the fetus] especially does not like is being poked at. If this happens, the two-and-a-half-month-old fetus will quickly squirm away.”
b....“If his scalp is accidentally tickled during medical examination, he quickly moves his head. He also vehemently dislikes cold water – if it is sprayed onto the mother’s stomach, he kicks violently.”
c... When the fetus is four to eight weeks old, “he is as sensitive to touch as any one-year-old.
d...Freud considered any birth memory that came up in analysis to be merely a fantasy constructed by the mind.
2... You can develop child's brain how to think positive, tackle any kind of problems in his life before birth

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