Symptoms of PCOS

Symptoms of PCOS

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Symptoms of PCOS
Posted in 2013

Marked, usually rapid weight gain, often without a change in food intake
Excess facial and body hair
Thinning scalp hair or hair loss
Severe acne, often cystic acne with pimples that become like boils
Irregular menstrual cycles, or no menses
Difficulty getting pregnant, or frequent miscarriages
Mood problems, such as anxiety, agitation, depression, and mood swings that are commonly triggered by excess male hormones like DHEA
Insomnia, with very restless sleep and/or difficulty falling asleep
What Causes PCOS?
No one is certain what causes PCOS, but there are many proposed explanations, and we will likely find multiple cause that produce the same metabolic syndrome disruption of normal hormonal production.
Genetic factors
Environmental factors, such as exposure to pesticides and other endocrine-disrupting chemicals
Autoimmune disorders — ovarian, adrenal, pancreatic, and thyroid
Excess insulin production related to obesity-induced insulin resistance
Excess intake of substances such as excitatory amino acids, found in many food additives like MSG, aspartame, glutamate, etc. that affect the pituitary regulation of the ovary cycles
Medications that increase prolactin, such as many antidepressants.
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