
Showing posts from 2011

Keep your self HEALTHY

Keep your self Healthy Brought to U...   and My memories Keep your self Healthy Posted in 2012 You will be healthy if you take balanced diet Vegetables Vegetables in daily meals are very important. They are naturally low in fat and also provide fiber. Vegetables help to keep balance between the fluids of the body. They provide vitamins A and C, and minerals, such as iron and magnesium and folate. Vegetables also provide carbohydrates for the energy our body needs. A small quantity of meat, eggs, milk or cheese mixed up with variety and combinations of vegetables provide the full range of amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals our body needs. For this we have no need to turn our kitchen into a laboratory, a little creativity is enough. Fruit Group Fruits are wonderful because they are low in fat and sodium and provide important vitamins that keep you feeling fi...

Importance of Minerals

Importance of  Minerals  Brought to U...   and My memories Importance of Minerals Posted in 2011 A large number of minerals are present in the body. Some of these form part of body structural components and some others act as catalytic agents in many body reactions. Calcium Calcium is an element found in bones, shells and limestone, among other materials. Calcium: • helps lower blood pressure and control heartbeat • helps regulate muscle contractions • plays a role in blood clotting • prevents fatal bleeding from breaks in the walls of blood vessels • maintains cell membranes • aids in the absorption of vitamin B12 • activates enzymes such as lipase, the fat-splitting enzyme Your bones furnish reserves of calcium to keep plasma constant at all times. Phosphorous Phosphorus is a mineral. It is a major component of bones and teeth and makes up part of DNA and RNA. Phospho...

Essentials of Minerals

Essentials of Minerals Brought to U...   and Minerals are natural compounds formed through geological processes. Minerals are needed by the body in small amounts to help it function properly and stay strong. Iron, calcium, potassium, and sodium are some of essential minerals. Humans need small amounts of about 14 minerals to maintain normal body function and good health. The 14 minerals that have been shown by research to be essential to human health are: Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, and Sulfur, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Iodine, Zinc, Fluoride, and Selenium. These 14 essential minerals are crucial to the growth and production of bones, teeth, hair, blood, nerves, skin, vitamins, enzymes and hormones; and the healthy functioning of nerve transmission, blood circulation, fluid regulation, cellular integrity, energy production and muscle contraction. Minerals are neither animal n...

Growth Performance of Rats

Growth Performance of Rats Brought to U.... .       and Growth Performance of Rats Fed Raw and Cooked Diets Based on Different Sources of Proteins Raw diet (body weight (g)) Cooked diet (body weight (g)) Initial Week 1 Week 3 Initial Week 1 Week 3 Pigeon-pea 80 78 80 80 99 120 Soybean 84 79 113 84 92 178 Winged bean 81 63 50 87 112 154 Potato 70 84 90 73 77 91 Winged bean tuber ...

Cooking losses of Riboflavin and Total B6

Cooking Losses of Riboflavin and Total B6 Brought to U   & Cooking Losses of Riboflavin and Total B6 Content of Dhals/pulses Riboflavin Total B6 Dhals mg per 100 g Cooking loss (%) mg per 100 g Cooking loss (%) Chick-pea 0.23 35.0 0.38 15.2 Pigeon-pea 0.25 17.8 0.32 13.2 Green gram 0.24 14.8 0.31 12.9 Black gram 0.25 13.2 0.24 12.8 Effect of Cooking on Ionizable Iron Percentage of ionizable iron at pH 7.5 Type of process Raw Processed Cooking ...

Benefits of Sprouts

 Benefits of Sprouts Brought to U...  & My memories Benefits of Sprouts Posted in 2011 Raw sprouts should not be consumed by pregnant women because of the potential health hazards they pose. We all know raw sprouts are full of nutrients. Raw sprouts are delicious to munch and they are also loaded with nutrients. They had been quite popular amid the health conscious. But they also carry harmful bacteria so concerns about their ill effects on pregnancy health have arisen. Raw sprouts should not be consumed by pregnant women because of the potential health hazards they pose. Restaurants generally serve sprouts on sandwiches or salads. Make sure you ask them to serve such dishes without raw sprouts. Raw sprouts like alfalfa can be an e-coli bacteria hazard. Raw sprouts like clover, radish and beans can lead to salmonella - a disease caused by the bacteria residing on the sprouts. The recent salmo...

Loss of percentage by cooking

Loss of percentage by cooking Brought to U...   and Effect of Soaking, Germination, and Cooking: Percentage Loss of Polyphenols of Four Indian Pulses Percentage loss of tannin on: Tannin Soaking Germination Cooking (mg/100 g) 24 hours 24-28 hours Raw Germinated Chick-pea 179 + 21 50 3-8 70 75 Pigeon-pea 996 + 93 50 3-10 60 75 Green gram 612 + 53 25 20-25 70 76 Black gram 861 + 92 25 10-25 70 77

Know about Germination

Know about Germination Brought to U..  and How Do Plants Reproduce? I don't know about you, but I love fruit! Sweet, delicious fruit, though, is actually ripened plant ovaries, or female reproductive organs. The seeds inside the fruits are designed to spread throughout the environment and grow into new plants in a process called  seed germination . So if you're a fan of ripened plant ovaries, too, check out this lesson to learn how they grow from tasty snacks into full grown plants. Seed Formation Plants reproduce using eggs and sperm, just like people. However, they don't have physical sex! Male plants release  pollen , which fertilize  ovaries . The fertilized ovaries develop into  seeds , which can then be distributed to make new plants. As the fertilized ovaries develop, a surplus of carbohydrates and proteins are stored inside the seed. This will serve as food for the plant until...

You and your child need Iron

You and your child need Iron Brought to U ....   & My memories You and your child need Iron Posted in 2011 How Your Body Uses Iron in Food When you eat food with iron, iron is absorbed into your body mainly through the upper part of your small intestine. There are two forms of dietary iron: heme and nonheme. Heme iron is derived from hemoglobin. It is found in animal foods that originally contained hemoglobin, such as red meats, fish, and poultry (meat, poultry, and seafood contain both heme and non-heme iron). Your body absorbs the most iron from heme sources. Most nonheme iron is from plant sources. Spinach may not give you superhuman strength to fight off villains like Popeye's nemesis Bluto, but this leafy green and other foods containing iron can help you fight a different type of enemy -- iron-deficiency anemia. Iron-deficiency anemia, the most common form of anemia, is a d...