Your mind plays major role for giving birth to a child
Your mind plays major role for giving birth to a child
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Your mind plays major role for giving birth to a child
Posted on 11th May 2013
Our mind plays Major Role for Giving Birth to the child
Every couple expects that their child should be Healthy and Brilliant but If the child is Defective either Physically or Mentally including Criminal Births their parents will be sad till the end of their life.
I researched on Defective births over 43 years and found the Cause.
I found mind plays major role for results of any work. Positive thinking of couple will give Healthy and Brilliant child.
I applied this principle on me..What ever work taken by me with due care are always Positive. The same principle is applied by couple given birth to Healthy and Brilliant child..I observed their body, nature, health and profession all are tallied with my principle.
Then I am advising the couple to practice positive thinking for at least 3 months before conceiving so as to avoid defective child births..
My advise
1... Being concerned about whether anxiety or stress will effect your baby is understandable, but it can also create a vicious cycle of thoughts. If you feel anxious during your pregnancy, you may begin to worry if it this is affecting your baby and so become even more anxious.
2... It is very unlikely that your baby will be affected by stress or anxiety, if you get the right treatment and support. So try to focus on asking for help and finding ways to manage your symptoms.The first step is to talk to your midwife or doctor about how you’re feeling.
3.... Some pregnant women feel distressed or guilty about feeling anxious or panicky when everyone expects them to be happy. But pregnancy can be a very emotional experience and mental health problems such as anxiety and depression
are common. Try to remember that your healthcare professionals won’t judge you for how you feel. Their focus will be on finding ways to help you stay well so you can take care of yourself and your baby.
4... For specific worries, such as money, housing, relationships there are local and national organisations that may be able to help you too. Ask your midwife or GP for details.
5.. Managing mental health problems can be difficult when you’re pregnant. But try not to focus on the anxiety itself and focus on what you're doing to manage your symptoms. Be confident that you are doing everything you can to take care of your baby.
6... Before conceiving woman should avoid tensions, anxiety,depression, negative feelings.................Be happy with your life partner to have healthy child
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